A homeopathic remedy for the treatment of gastro-intestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, dehydration and dizziness.
These symptoms might be due to food poisoning or viral stomach flu.
Note: For travel sickness or morning sickness, use v.m.t (vertigo, morning & travel sickness) 30c remedy instead.
° Useful in treating gastro-intestinal symptoms
Size: 30 pillules
One dose is 3-5 pillules sucked under the tongue in a clean mouth.
This applies to adults, children and animals alike.
In the acute stage, dose every half hour for 3 doses then every hour for 3 doses.
Continue dosing every 2 - 4 hours until relief is obtained, thereafter as needed for 3-5 days.
As a general rule, if a positive response has not been seen within 24-48 hours, please consult with your homeopathic practitioner or your General Practitioner.
Arsenicum album 200c - Vomiting and diarrhoea together. Craves iced water but even a few sips are vomited immediately. Great weakness and exhaustion. Restless and chilly, better for warmth. Cannot bear the smell of food. Gastric flu, food poisoning.
China officinalis 30c - Weakness, vomiting of undigested food, flatulence, belching and stomach cramps. Stools may be dark, foul and watery.
Cocculus indicus 30c - Violent abdominal spasms, extreme aversion and nausea to food; dizziness and vomiting
Ipecacuanha 30c - Persistent nausea and vomiting, griping pain, frequent stools. Nausea from looking at moving objects.
Magnesia phosphorica 30c - Excellent anti-spasmodic remedy; flatulence and abdominal spasms, hiccoughs and vomiting.
Podophyllum 30c - Spasmodic abdominal pain with bilious vomiting. Worse after eating acid fruits or milk. Profuse, watery stools with jelly-like mucus and offensive smell.
Tabacum 30c - Severe nausea with sinking feeling in pit of stomach and a cold sweat. Nausea with dizziness, headache. Deathly pale and much better with fresh air.