Crataegus Oxy 50ml


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Heart drops – A herbal medicine which assists in promoting the function of the heart.


Heart drops – A herbal medicine which assists in promoting the function of the heart.


Hawthorn berry helps improve the flow of blood to the heart and helps the heart push blood more effectively out of the heart and into the arteries.


It is used as a heart care tonic. Crataegus (hawthorn) berries are edible and during World War I, hawthorn seeds were ground and used instead of coffee. In addition, Hawthorn leaves were used instead of tea and tobacco.


More crucially Hawthorn berries have been used in healthcare as far back as the 15th century and known as a tonic. In North America, the role of treatment for heart problems dates back to 1800. Today crataegus is garnering attention for its potential cardiovascular enhancing and protective properties.


Alfred Vogel relished eating Crataegus berries as a child and only later as an adult did he learn of their true health benefits as a tincture made from the pulp of the berries.



° Promote the function of the heart

° Natural, organic remedy


Size: 50ml



Adults: Take 30 drops in a little water, 3 times daily, half an hour before eating.



If pregnant, nursing or taking any medication consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.



Crataegus oxycantha (HAB). 

Alcohol content: 47% v/v.


Nutrition Information

Each 30 drop dose contains:

– Medicinal ingredient: Fresh Hawthorn berry (Crataegus monogyna) tincture (ratio 1:3.2) 0.7 mL equivalent to 233 mg of fresh berry.


Non-medicinal ingredient: 1 mL of tincture contains 0.49 mL alcohol (ethanol).

1 mL = 33 drops.




About the A.Vogel brand: Effective natural remedies and medicinal products made from freshly harvested plants. Healthy food products and dietary supplements made from organic raw materials.

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