Nasenol Spray 20ml


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For a blocked and stuffy nose


For a blocked and stuffy nose 



This is a homoeopathic nasal treatment which provides relief from nasal discharge or dryness of the nasal mucous membranes for the treatment of:

° blocked or stuffy nose


Size: 20ml 



Nasal spray: Administer 1- 2 sprays in each nostril 2- 4 hourly or as required. Shake before use. Nose drops: Insert 2 drops into each nostril 2- 4 hourly or as required. Shake before use



Not for oral use

There are no known side effects



Homoeopathic complementary medicine.

Each 1ml of liquid contains:


Agraphis nutans D3

Euphrasia officinalis D1

Hydrastis canadensis D1

Penthorum sedoides D3

Sabadilla officinarum D1

Sambucus nigra D3

Sanguinarium nitrica D8

Thuja occidentalis D1

Wyethia helenoides D3

0.9% Saline

Preservative: 0.2 % Nipagin M sodium



Homoeophatic Mode of Action

Agraphis nutans is indicated for blocked nostrils, nasal discharge, enlarged tonsils and adenoids and impaired hearing due to accumulated mucus.

Euphrasia officinalis acts on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract to relieve profuse runny mucus accompanied by cough and catarrh of the eyes.

Hydrastis canadensis acts on the nasal membranes to relieve thick tenacious post-nasal drip and acrid runny coryza from the nose. It is also indicated for ulceration of the nasal septum.

Penthorum sedoides has a decongestant action on the upper respiratory membranes and treats chronic mucous discharge with burning pain, rawness and loss of voice.

Sabadilla officinarum acts on the nasal membranes and the lachrymal glands and is indicated for spasmodic sneezing, copious runny nose and severe frontal sinus pain. Sambucus nigra acts on the respiratory system to relieve snuffles, swelling of mucous membranes and a sensation of suffocating while sleeping at night.

Sanguinaria nitrica is indicated for hayfever, profuse offensive yellow nasal discharge, chronic rhinitis, polyps of the nose as well as dry congested nasal membranes.

Thuja occidentalis acts on the nasal membranes to treat chronic mucous discharge of thick green mucus, ulceration in the nostrils and painful pressure at the root of the nose.

Wyethia helenoides acts on the naso-pharyngeal membranes to relieve uncomfortable dryness of the posterior membranes.






Natura Homoeopathic Remedies Almost half a century ago, Dr. Michael Levien with his dedication and passion to make a difference in the world of healing, created Natura. Natura represents the success and value of true inspiration on which its existence was founded. Natura products have been manufactured and distributed in South Africa since 1966. From its humble conception, Natura continually strives to serve the unique needs of health care practitioners and the public alike by dedicating itself to supplying natural products which are made with integrity. Natura currently provides consumers with a homoeopathic range especially suited to the treatment of common and minor illnesses and to complement the treatment of chronic and more serious conditions.

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